Natural Bridge Campground, Rogue River

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews)

Natural Bridge Campground Details

No Potable Water, No Garbage Pack it out
  • Campground Rating:
  • Number of Campsites: 17
  • Avg. Overnight Fee: 10
  • Drinking Water: No
  • Toilets: Vaulted
  • Camphost on Site: Unknown
  • Fires Allowed: Yes
  • Cell Service: Unknown
  • Season: May - October
  • Nearest Store (Miles): 11
  • GPS: 42.89250883,-122.4628256
  • Elevation: 2,900 ft.
  • Showers: No
  • Firewood for Sale: Unknown

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Natural Bridge Campground Map

Weather for Natural Bridge Campground

Natural Bridge Campground Photos

Know Before you Go

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November 5, 2018


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June 14, 2017


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June 14, 2017



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  1. My husband and I have been going here for years. This is one of our favorite places to camp. Just make sure that if you do not have an RV like most people these days, that you bring water because there is no electricity or running water here. DUH its the forest you are suppose to enjoy the nature. I really hate when the big RV bus or trailer comes in and they pull out a huge generator that is so loud you can’t think. The best part of this camp ground is the beauty and the tranquillity of the peace and quiet. SO BIG RV’s stop ruining it for others if you have to camp in an RV then you do not know the true meaning or feeling of camping, your RV is nothing but a hotel on wheels.. There are so many trails that you can hike, or just sit down by the river and enjoy the serenity of it all. Just beware that the River is very cold it is only around 38 to 42 degrees so not good for swimming on a hot day just saying.. Remember that the river is also very powerful many people have drowned up in this area. Please be careful especially if you are not use to camping in the forest.